Jun 15, 2024 | Food Pairings, Weekly Wine Adventure
We’ve just wrapped up celebrating Rosé Day, but at Scott Harvey Wines, we celebrate all month, if not all summer. Rosés are so versatile. Here are ten ways to use Rosé when you’re not relaxing with a glass on the veranda. 1. Create a Spritzer Bar...
Jun 8, 2024 | Blog, Weekly Wine Adventure
The role of spirits in aiding troops and strategists The 80th anniversary of D-Day has brought many memories to our minds. I want to share anecdotes about how alcohol supported the troops during those times. My father joined them post-invasion, making this history...
Jun 1, 2024 | Weekly Wine Adventure
There has been so much negative press about wine lately that I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw this excellent news article today. The study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that a daily glass of red wine and cheese and a weekly lamb meal helped reduce...